- 29 3 月, 2023
- by
- pladmin
不过从本节开始,已经脱离了官方课程optix course的范畴了,这意味着从本节开始每一句代码都需要自己摸索,并适当的参考pbrt、mitsuba等开源渲染器中的一些架构和api,因此本节开始的代码难免会出现一些小bug,如果大家发现了可以在评论区指出,万分感谢。
Part1. 理论准备
按照正常的光路顺序,光线从D发出,能量是eD,打到C表面上后调用C的渲染方程,可以得到出射光强是eC + fC * eD,然后打到B表面调用渲染方程,得到出射光是eB + fB(eC + fC * eD),以此类推……便可以得到e = eA + fA(eB + fB(eC + fC * eD))。所以我们倾向于给光追过程编写一个递归程序,先递归地找到最深一层(D)的出射能量,得到D的能量后回溯到C层计算C的出射能量,再回溯到B计算B的出射能量,以此类推……所以大部分光追程序都是写成递归的形式。
然而放在optix渲染器里就不一样了。尽管如今cuda已经支持递归了,但是在gpu端写递归函数终归会拖累性能,而且容易出现栈溢出。因此我们不得不将光追迭代从递归函数 强行改成for循环迭代的方式。那么问题来了,计算光照我们得从最深一层D开始计算,然后再算C、B、A,而for循环只能正向从A开始一步一步求交,当求交到D时,ABC的信息早就被抹了,还怎么一步步往回代入计算呢?
e = eA + fA(eB + fB(eC + fC * eD))
e = eA + fA * eB + fA * fB * eC + fA * fB * fC * eD
Part.2 朴素路径追踪shader
#include "gdt/math/vec.h" #include "LaunchParams.h" #include "math.h" using namespace osc; struct Ray { vec3f origin; vec3f direction; float tmax = FLT_MAX; }; struct Interaction { float bias = 0.001f; float distance; vec3f position; vec3f geomNormal; vec3f mat_color; __forceinline__ __device__ Ray spawn_ray(const vec3f& wi) const { vec3f N = geomNormal; if (dot(wi, geomNormal) < 0.0f) { N = -geomNormal; } Ray ray; ray.origin = position + N * bias; ray.direction = wi; ray.tmax = FLT_MAX; return ray; } };
这里参考了一个KDRay的架构设计,非常感谢这位大佬的分享 : )
接下来我们来修改着色器。因为目前我们不需要阴影射线,所以我们直接把shadow相关的shader直接置空。然后我们看一下Raygen Shader:
extern "C" __global__ void __raygen__renderFrame() { // compute a test pattern based on pixel ID const int ix = optixGetLaunchIndex().x; const int iy = optixGetLaunchIndex().y; const auto& camera = optixLaunchParams.camera; int numPixelSamples = optixLaunchParams.numPixelSamples; PRD prd; vec3f pixelColor = 0.f; // normalized screen plane position, in [0,1]^2 vec2f screen(vec2f(ix, iy) / vec2f(optixLaunchParams.frame.size)); // generate ray direction vec3f rayDir = normalize(camera.direction + (screen.x - 0.5f) * camera.horizontal + (screen.y - 0.5f) * camera.vertical); for (int sampleID = 0; sampleID < numPixelSamples; sampleID++) { Ray myRay; myRay.origin = camera.position; myRay.direction = rayDir; vec3f radiance = 0.0f; vec3f accum = 1.0f; for (int bounces = 0; ; ++bounces) { if (bounces >= optixLaunchParams.maxBounce) { radiance = 0.0f; break; } Interaction isect; isect.distance = 0; unsigned int isectPtr0, isectPtr1; packPointer(&isect, isectPtr0, isectPtr1); optixTrace(optixLaunchParams.traversable, myRay.origin, myRay.direction, 0, // tmin 1e20f, // tmax 0.0f, // rayTime OptixVisibilityMask(255), OPTIX_RAY_FLAG_DISABLE_ANYHIT,//OPTIX_RAY_FLAG_NONE, RADIANCE_RAY_TYPE, // SBT offset RAY_TYPE_COUNT, // SBT stride RADIANCE_RAY_TYPE, // missSBTIndex isectPtr0, isectPtr1); if (isect.distance == FLT_MAX) { radiance += vec3f(1.0f) * accum; break; } radiance += 0.0f; accum.x *= isect.mat_color.x; accum.y *= isect.mat_color.y; accum.z *= isect.mat_color.z; // 下一次反弹方向 vec3f wi; vec3f rnd; prd.random.init(optixLaunchParams.frame.frameID * 234834 % 32849 + ix * 385932 % 82921, optixLaunchParams.frame.frameID * 348593 % 43832 + iy * 324123 % 23415); rnd.x = prd.random() * 2 - 1; prd.random.init(optixLaunchParams.frame.frameID * 972823 % 12971 + ix * 743782 % 82013, optixLaunchParams.frame.frameID * 893022 % 28191 + iy * 918212 % 51321); rnd.y = prd.random() * 2 - 1; prd.random.init(optixLaunchParams.frame.frameID * 383921 % 48839 + ix * 572131 % 47128, optixLaunchParams.frame.frameID * 389291 % 29301 + iy * 716271 % 63291); rnd.z = prd.random() * 2 - 1; wi = isect.geomNormal + normalize(rnd); wi = normalize(wi); myRay = isect.spawn_ray(wi); } pixelColor += radiance; } vec4f rgba(pixelColor / numPixelSamples, 1.f); rgba.x = powf(rgba.x, 1 / 2.2f); rgba.y = powf(rgba.y, 1 / 2.2f); rgba.z = powf(rgba.z, 1 / 2.2f); if (rgba.x > 1)rgba.x = 1.0f; if (rgba.y > 1)rgba.y = 1.0f; if (rgba.z > 1)rgba.z = 1.0f; if (rgba.w > 1)rgba.w = 1.0f; // and write/accumulate to frame buffer ... const uint32_t fbIndex = ix + iy * optixLaunchParams.frame.size.x; if (optixLaunchParams.frame.frameID > 0) { rgba += float(optixLaunchParams.frame.frameID) * vec4f(optixLaunchParams.frame.colorBuffer[fbIndex]); rgba /= (optixLaunchParams.frame.frameID + 1.f); } optixLaunchParams.frame.colorBuffer[fbIndex] = (float4)rgba; }
然后第一层循环是采样循环,表示同一个像素要采样多次,这里我们先把总能量radiance和bsdf积累量accum这些变量初始化好;第二层循环就是我们的光路迭代循环,表示现在追踪到了第几层。首先定义一个Intersection准备装求交信息,我们将这个Intersection的指针装入gpu的0号、1号槽位,用来接受hit shader和miss shader传递的信息。然后我们便开始发射射线!在miss shader和hit shader会把求交点的位置、法线、材质颜色都写入Intersection里。这样我们就得到了这一轮的所有求交信息,并更新radiance、accum这些变量。同时,我们也要根据法线和bsdf信息来决定下一次的弹射方向,因为我们这一节都是纯粗糙diffuse材质,因此我们直接进行均匀半球采样,用prd来撒种子求随机数并决定采样方向(随机数方案我目前是乱写的,之后会介绍采样器)。有了这个方向,我们便可以用spawn_ray函数来得到下一次弹射的Ray信息,进入下一个迭代。
怎么样,思路很清晰吧?我们再来看一下miss shader,更简单:
extern "C" __global__ void __miss__radiance() { uint32_t isectPtr0 = optixGetPayload_0(); uint32_t isectPtr1 = optixGetPayload_1(); Interaction* interaction = reinterpret_cast<Interaction*>(unpackPointer(isectPtr0, isectPtr1)); interaction->distance = FLT_MAX; }
当miss shader被调用,说明该光线已经打到无限远的天空上了。因此我们取出0号、1号槽装的intersection指针,将距离信息(FLT_MAX无限远)写入,这样raygen shader的光路迭代部分就知道这一轮弹射打到天空光源了。
再来看一下closesthit shader:
extern "C" __global__ void __closesthit__radiance() { uint32_t isectPtr0 = optixGetPayload_0(); uint32_t isectPtr1 = optixGetPayload_1(); Interaction* interaction = reinterpret_cast<Interaction*>(unpackPointer(isectPtr0, isectPtr1)); const TriangleMeshSBTData& sbtData = *(const TriangleMeshSBTData*)optixGetSbtDataPointer(); PRD& prd = *getPRD<PRD>(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // gather some basic hit information // ------------------------------------------------------------------ const int primID = optixGetPrimitiveIndex(); const vec3i index = sbtData.index[primID]; const float u = optixGetTriangleBarycentrics().x; const float v = optixGetTriangleBarycentrics().y; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // compute normal, using either shading normal (if avail), or // geometry normal (fallback) // ------------------------------------------------------------------ const vec3f& A = sbtData.vertex[index.x]; const vec3f& B = sbtData.vertex[index.y]; const vec3f& C = sbtData.vertex[index.z]; vec3f Ng = cross(B - A, C - A); vec3f Ns = (sbtData.normal) ? ((1.f - u - v) * sbtData.normal[index.x] + u * sbtData.normal[index.y] + v * sbtData.normal[index.z]) : Ng; const vec3f pos = (1.f - u - v) * A + u * B + v * C; interaction->position = pos; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // face-forward and normalize normals // ------------------------------------------------------------------ const vec3f rayDir = optixGetWorldRayDirection(); if (dot(rayDir, Ng) > 0.f) Ng = -Ng; Ng = normalize(Ng); if (dot(Ng, Ns) < 0.f) Ns -= 2.f * dot(Ng, Ns) * Ng; Ns = normalize(Ns); interaction->geomNormal = Ns; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // compute diffuse material color, including diffuse texture, if // available // ------------------------------------------------------------------ vec3f diffuseColor = sbtData.color; if (sbtData.hasTexture && sbtData.texcoord) { const vec2f tc = (1.f - u - v) * sbtData.texcoord[index.x] + u * sbtData.texcoord[index.y] + v * sbtData.texcoord[index.z]; vec4f fromTexture = tex2D<float4>(sbtData.texture, tc.x, tc.y); diffuseColor *= (vec3f)fromTexture; } // start with some ambient term vec3f pixelColor = (0.1f + 0.2f * fabsf(dot(Ns, rayDir))) * diffuseColor; interaction->mat_color = pixelColor; }
别看hit shader这么长,90%都是上一节写的计算插值法线、计算插值uv、获取纹理、代入lambert模型计算光照颜色。只是这里我们需要将求交点坐标、法线以及最终的材质颜色写入Intersection中即可。(这里我的设计有点不严谨,严格意义上讲,计算bsdf的代码不应该放在hit shader,因为bsdf依赖于入射、出射两根光线的信息,然而调用hit shader的时候还没开始采样出射光线。只是因为本例是diffuse模型,出射光对bsdf值无贡献,所以我才能把bsdf的计算放在hit shader中。日后但凡有了新材质,肯定都要把bsdf计算搬到光路迭代的主循环中去算)
Part.3 屏幕后处理(亮度、饱和度、对比度)
#pragma once #include <cuda_runtime.h> struct BGR { float b; float g; float r; }; struct HSV { int h; float s; float v; }; extern "C" __device__ bool IsEquals(float val1, float val2) { return val1 > val2 ? val1 - val2 < 0.001f : val2 - val1 < 0.001f; } extern "C" __device__ float MAX(float a, float b) { return a > b ? a : b; } extern "C" __device__ float MIN(float a, float b) { return a < b ? a : b; } // BGR(BGR: 0~255)转HSV(H: [0~360), S: [0~1], V: [0~1]) extern "C" __device__ void BGR2HSV(BGR& bgr, HSV& hsv) { float b, g, r; float h, s, v; float min, max; float delta; b = bgr.b; g = bgr.g; r = bgr.r; if (r > g) { max = MAX(r, b); min = MIN(g, b); } else { max = MAX(g, b); min = MIN(r, b); } v = max; delta = max - min; if (IsEquals(max, 0)) s = 0.0; else s = delta / max; if (max == min) h = 0.0; else{ if (IsEquals(r, max) && g >= b) h = 60 * (g - b) / delta + 0; else if (IsEquals(r, max) && g < b) h = 60 * (g - b) / delta + 360; else if (IsEquals(g, max)) h = 60 * (b - r) / delta + 120; else if (IsEquals(b, max)) h = 60 * (r - g) / delta + 240; } hsv.h = (int)(h + 0.5); hsv.h = (hsv.h > 359) ? (hsv.h - 360) : hsv.h; hsv.h = (hsv.h < 0) ? (hsv.h + 360) : hsv.h; hsv.s = s; hsv.v = v; } // HSV转BGR extern "C" __device__ void HSV2BGR(HSV& hsv, BGR& bgr) { int h = hsv.h; float s = hsv.s; float v = hsv.v; if (s > 1.0f)s = 1.0f; if (v > 1.0f)v = 1.0f; float b = 0.0; float g = 0.0; float r = 0.0; int flag = (int)(h / 60.0); float f = h / 60.0 - flag; float p = v * (1 - s); float q = v * (1 - f * s); float t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s); switch (flag) { case 0: b = p; g = t; r = v; break; case 1: b = p; g = v; r = q; break; case 2: b = t; g = v; r = p; break; case 3: b = v; g = q; r = p; break; case 4: b = v; g = p; r = t; break; case 5: b = q; g = p; r = v; break; default: break; } bgr.b = b < 1.0f ? b : 1.0f; bgr.g = g < 1.0f ? g : 1.0f; bgr.r = r < 1.0f ? r : 1.0f; } extern "C" __device__ void Contrast(BGR & bgr, float con, float thre) { bgr.r = bgr.r + (bgr.r - thre) * con; bgr.g = bgr.g + (bgr.g - thre) * con; bgr.b = bgr.b + (bgr.b - thre) * con; bgr.b = bgr.b < 1.0f ? bgr.b : 1.0f; bgr.g = bgr.g < 1.0f ? bgr.g : 1.0f; bgr.r = bgr.r < 1.0f ? bgr.r : 1.0f; bgr.b = bgr.b > 0.0f ? bgr.b : 0.0f; bgr.g = bgr.g > 0.0f ? bgr.g : 0.0f; bgr.r = bgr.r > 0.0f ? bgr.r : 0.0f; }
optixLaunchParams.frame.colorBuffer[fbIndex] = (float4)rgba; HSV hsv; BGR bgr; bgr.r = rgba.x; bgr.g = rgba.y; bgr.b = rgba.z; BGR2HSV(bgr, hsv); hsv.v += optixLaunchParams.lightness_change; if (hsv.s >= 0.05f) hsv.s += optixLaunchParams.saturate_change; HSV2BGR(hsv, bgr); Contrast(bgr, optixLaunchParams.contrast_change, 0.5f); rgba.x = bgr.r; rgba.y = bgr.g; rgba.z = bgr.b; optixLaunchParams.frame.renderBuffer[fbIndex] = (float4)rgba;
void SampleRenderer::downloadPixels(vec4f h_pixels[]) { renderBuffer.download(h_pixels, launchParams.frame.size.x * launchParams.frame.size.y); }
Part4. 环境贴图
现在我们实现了diffuse材质的光追,可以看到效果还不错。当然我们肯定不能止步于如此“hello world”的材质实例,接下来我们要创建一些透射材质和金属反射材质。但是现在我们的天空是一片白,很难看出材质的透射、反射效果,因此我们考虑在这一步做一下环境贴图的功能。
int loadEnvmap(Model* model, const std::string& Path) { if (Path == "") return -1; vec2i res; int comp; unsigned char* image = stbi_load(Path.c_str(), &res.x, &res.y, &comp, STBI_rgb_alpha); Texture* texture = new Texture; texture->resolution = res; texture->pixel = (uint32_t*)image; model->envmap = texture; return 1; }
因为环境贴图一般是在miss shader中调用的,因此我们考虑让miss shader的SBT record中绑定环境贴图:
struct __align__( OPTIX_SBT_RECORD_ALIGNMENT ) MissRecord { __align__( OPTIX_SBT_RECORD_ALIGNMENT ) char header[OPTIX_SBT_RECORD_HEADER_SIZE]; cudaTextureObject_t envmap; };
void SampleRenderer::createTextures() { int numTextures = (int)model->textures.size(); textureArrays.resize(numTextures + 1); textureObjects.resize(numTextures + 1); for (int textureID = 0; textureID < numTextures + 1; textureID++) { Texture *texture; if (textureID != numTextures) texture = model->textures[textureID]; else texture = model->envmap; cudaResourceDesc res_desc = {}; ...
在绑定miss shader实例的SBT的时候,我们要把这张环境贴图的textureObjects放到record中:
std::vector<MissRecord> missRecords; for (int i=0;i<missPGs.size();i++) { MissRecord rec; OPTIX_CHECK(optixSbtRecordPackHeader(missPGs[i],&rec)); rec.envmap = textureObjects[(int)model->textures.size()]; missRecords.push_back(rec); }
这样环境贴图就成功绑到miss shader record上了。接下来我们编写一下miss shader的代码:
static __device__ vec2f sampling_equirectangular_map(vec3f n) { float u = atan(n.z / n.x); u = (u + PI) / (2.0 * PI); float v = asin(n.y); v = (v * 2.0 + PI) / (2.0 * PI); v = 1.0f - v; return vec2f(u, v); } extern "C" __global__ void __miss__radiance() { uint32_t isectPtr0 = optixGetPayload_0(); uint32_t isectPtr1 = optixGetPayload_1(); Interaction* interaction = reinterpret_cast<Interaction*>(unpackPointer(isectPtr0, isectPtr1)); interaction->distance = FLT_MAX; const cudaTextureObject_t& sbtData = *(const cudaTextureObject_t*)optixGetSbtDataPointer(); vec3f ray_dir = optixGetWorldRayDirection(); vec2f uv = sampling_equirectangular_map(ray_dir); vec4f fromTexture = tex2D<float4>(sbtData, uv.x, uv.y); interaction->mat_color = (vec3f)fromTexture; } extern "C" __global__ void __raygen__renderFrame() { // compute a test pattern based on pixel ID const int ix = optixGetLaunchIndex().x; const int iy = optixGetLaunchIndex().y; ... if (isect.distance == FLT_MAX) { if (bounces > 0) radiance += isect.mat_color * accum; else radiance += isect.mat_color * accum / 3.0f; break; }
通过optixGetSbtDataPointer()获得miss shader record上挂载的环境贴图,根据自己写的sampling_equirectangular_map函数,将射线方向转化成环境贴图的采样uv,完成采样、获得环境贴图上对应像素的光照数据,将光照信息写入mat_color中。在主迭代循环中,检测到射线这次检测的distance为FLT_MAX表示求交失败,意味着命中了环境贴图(即求交到主光源),那么直接取光色并返回。这里为了防止环境贴图本身的颜色过曝,所以玩了个trick,如果我们的射线刚弹1次就弹到了环境贴图上,那么就给它的光强削弱3倍。这样当我们直接看向环境贴图的时候,它是不过曝的;但是它射到其他物体上的光线强度依旧保持高水平。
Part5. 材质体系
#pragma once #include "gdt/math/vec.h" #include <cuda_runtime.h> using namespace gdt; enum material_kind { DIFFUSE, METAL }; struct material_mes { material_kind mat_kind; vec3f diffuse; vec3f emitter = 0; int diffuseTextureID{ -1 }; cudaTextureObject_t diffuse_texture; };
struct TriangleMesh { std::vector<vec3f> vertex; std::vector<vec3f> normal; std::vector<vec2f> texcoord; std::vector<vec3i> index; // material data: material_mes mat_mes; };
Model* loadOBJ(const std::string& objFile, material_kind mat_kind) { Model* model = new Model; ... if (materials.empty() && mat_kind == DIFFUSE) throw std::runtime_error("could not parse materials ..."); ... for (int materialID : materialIDs) { if (materialID == -1) continue; TriangleMesh* mesh = new TriangleMesh; for (int faceID = 0; faceID < shape.mesh.material_ids.size(); faceID++) { if (shape.mesh.material_ids[faceID] != materialID) continue; tinyobj::index_t idx0 = shape.mesh.indices[3 * faceID + 0]; tinyobj::index_t idx1 = shape.mesh.indices[3 * faceID + 1]; tinyobj::index_t idx2 = shape.mesh.indices[3 * faceID + 2]; vec3i idx(addVertex(mesh, attributes, idx0, knownVertices), addVertex(mesh, attributes, idx1, knownVertices), addVertex(mesh, attributes, idx2, knownVertices)); mesh->index.push_back(idx); if (mat_kind == DIFFUSE) { mesh->mat_mes.diffuse = (const vec3f&)materials[materialID].diffuse; mesh->mat_mes.diffuseTextureID = loadTexture(model, knownTextures, materials[materialID].diffuse_texname, modelDir); } mesh->mat_mes.mat_kind = mat_kind; } if (mesh->vertex.empty()) delete mesh; else model->meshes.push_back(mesh); } } ... }
struct TriangleMeshSBTData { vec3f* vertex; vec3f* normal; vec2f* texcoord; vec3i* index; material_mes mat_mes; };
int numObjects = (int)model->meshes.size(); std::vector<HitgroupRecord> hitgroupRecords; for (int meshID = 0; meshID < numObjects; meshID++) { for (int rayID = 0; rayID < RAY_TYPE_COUNT; rayID++) { auto mesh = model->meshes[meshID]; HitgroupRecord rec; OPTIX_CHECK(optixSbtRecordPackHeader(hitgroupPGs[rayID], &rec)); rec.data.mat_mes = mesh->mat_mes; rec.data.index = (vec3i*)indexBuffer[meshID].d_pointer(); rec.data.vertex = (vec3f*)vertexBuffer[meshID].d_pointer(); rec.data.normal = (vec3f*)normalBuffer[meshID].d_pointer(); rec.data.texcoord = (vec2f*)texcoordBuffer[meshID].d_pointer(); if (rec.data.mat_mes.diffuseTextureID != -1) rec.data.mat_mes.diffuse_texture = textureObjects[rec.data.mat_mes.diffuseTextureID]; hitgroupRecords.push_back(rec); } }
接下来我们来改shader。首先我们改一下最简单的miss shader:
extern "C" __global__ void __miss__radiance() { uint32_t isectPtr0 = optixGetPayload_0(); uint32_t isectPtr1 = optixGetPayload_1(); Interaction* interaction = reinterpret_cast<Interaction*>(unpackPointer(isectPtr0, isectPtr1)); interaction->distance = FLT_MAX; const cudaTextureObject_t& sbtData = *(const cudaTextureObject_t*)optixGetSbtDataPointer(); vec3f ray_dir = optixGetWorldRayDirection(); vec2f uv = sampling_equirectangular_map(ray_dir); vec4f fromTexture = tex2D<float4>(sbtData, uv.x, uv.y); interaction->mat_mes.emitter = (vec3f)fromTexture; }
接下来我们修改closesthit shader。注意,上一节我曾提过,实际上bsdf的计算并不应该放在closesthit shader中计算,因为在closesthit shader中,我们还没有计算出采样的出射方向,这样bsdf的参数不齐全。因此在closesthit shader中,我们只计算交点所在的世界坐标、法线方向、uv值、材质信息,将它们全部存储到Interaction求交信息中。当然,这意味着我们的Interaction也要补充一下成员变量:
struct Interaction { float bias = 0.001f; float distance; vec3f position; vec3f geomNormal; vec2f texcoord; cudaTextureObject_t* texture; material_mes mat_mes; ...
然后closesthit shader就好写了,把这些成员的信息计算出来放进去就好了:
extern "C" __global__ void __closesthit__radiance() { uint32_t isectPtr0 = optixGetPayload_0(); uint32_t isectPtr1 = optixGetPayload_1(); Interaction* interaction = reinterpret_cast<Interaction*>(unpackPointer(isectPtr0, isectPtr1)); const TriangleMeshSBTData& sbtData = *(const TriangleMeshSBTData*)optixGetSbtDataPointer(); const int primID = optixGetPrimitiveIndex(); const vec3i index = sbtData.index[primID]; const float u = optixGetTriangleBarycentrics().x; const float v = optixGetTriangleBarycentrics().y; const vec3f& A = sbtData.vertex[index.x]; const vec3f& B = sbtData.vertex[index.y]; const vec3f& C = sbtData.vertex[index.z]; const vec3f pos = (1.f - u - v) * A + u * B + v * C; interaction->position = pos; vec3f Ng = cross(B - A, C - A); vec3f Ns = (sbtData.normal) ? ((1.f - u - v) * sbtData.normal[index.x] + u * sbtData.normal[index.y] + v * sbtData.normal[index.z]) : Ng; const vec3f rayDir = optixGetWorldRayDirection(); if (dot(rayDir, Ng) > 0.f) Ng = -Ng; Ng = normalize(Ng); if (dot(Ng, Ns) < 0.f) Ns -= 2.f * dot(Ng, Ns) * Ng; Ns = normalize(Ns); interaction->geomNormal = Ns; if (sbtData.texcoord) { interaction->texcoord = (1.f - u - v) * sbtData.texcoord[index.x] + u * sbtData.texcoord[index.y] + v * sbtData.texcoord[index.z]; } interaction->texture = sbtData.texture; interaction->mat_mes = sbtData.mat_mes; }
#pragma once #include "MyInteraction.h" #define PI 3.1415926 using namespace osc; typedef gdt::LCG<16> Random; struct PRD { Random random; vec3f pixelColor; }; __forceinline__ __device__ vec3f cal_diffuse_bsdf(const Interaction& isect, const vec3f& wi, vec3f *wo, float* pdf, const int ix, const int iy, const int frame_id) { vec3f diffuseColor = isect.mat_mes.diffuse; if (isect.mat_mes.diffuseTextureID != -1) { float u = isect.texcoord.x; float v = isect.texcoord.y; vec4f fromTexture = tex2D<float4>(isect.mat_mes.diffuse_texture, u, v); diffuseColor *= (vec3f)fromTexture; } vec3f bsdf = diffuseColor / float(PI); vec3f rnd; PRD prd; prd.random.init(frame_id * 234834 % 32849 + ix * 385932 % 82921, frame_id * 348593 % 43832 + iy * 324123 % 23415); rnd.x = prd.random() * 2 - 1; prd.random.init(frame_id * 972823 % 12971 + ix * 743782 % 82013, frame_id * 893022 % 28191 + iy * 918212 % 51321); rnd.y = prd.random() * 2 - 1; prd.random.init(frame_id * 383921 % 48839 + ix * 572131 % 47128, frame_id * 389291 % 29301 + iy * 716271 % 63291); rnd.z = prd.random() * 2 - 1; vec3f wos = normalize(isect.geomNormal + normalize(rnd)); wo->x = wos.x; wo->y = wos.y; wo->z = wos.z; *pdf = 1 / (2 * float(PI)); return bsdf; } __forceinline__ __device__ vec3f cal_bsdf(const Interaction &isect, const vec3f &wi, vec3f *wo, float *pdf,const int ix, const int iy, const int frame_id) { vec3f result; if (isect.mat_mes.mat_kind == DIFFUSE) { result = cal_diffuse_bsdf(isect, wi, wo, pdf, ix, iy, frame_id); } return result; }
回到Raygen Shader中的光路迭代,可以改成:
for (int sampleID = 0; sampleID < numPixelSamples; sampleID++) { Ray myRay; myRay.origin = camera.position; myRay.direction = rayDir; vec3f radiance = 0.0f; vec3f accum = 1.0f; for (int bounces = 0; ; ++bounces) { if (bounces >= optixLaunchParams.maxBounce) { radiance = 0.0f; break; } Interaction isect; isect.distance = 0; unsigned int isectPtr0, isectPtr1; packPointer(&isect, isectPtr0, isectPtr1); optixTrace(optixLaunchParams.traversable, myRay.origin, myRay.direction, 0, // tmin 1e20f, // tmax 0.0f, // rayTime OptixVisibilityMask(255), OPTIX_RAY_FLAG_DISABLE_ANYHIT,//OPTIX_RAY_FLAG_NONE, RADIANCE_RAY_TYPE, // SBT offset RAY_TYPE_COUNT, // SBT stride RADIANCE_RAY_TYPE, // missSBTIndex isectPtr0, isectPtr1); if (isect.distance == FLT_MAX) { if (bounces > 0) radiance += isect.mat_mes.emitter * accum; else radiance += isect.mat_mes.emitter * accum / 2.0f; break; } radiance += isect.mat_mes.emitter * accum; vec3f wo; float pdf = 0.0f; vec3f bsdf = cal_bsdf(isect, myRay.direction, &wo, &pdf, ix, iy, optixLaunchParams.frame.frameID); float cosine = fabsf(dot(isect.geomNormal, myRay.direction)); accum *= bsdf * cosine / pdf; myRay = isect.spawn_ray(wo); } pixelColor += radiance; }
Part6. METAL材质
for (int faceID = 0; faceID < shape.mesh.material_ids.size(); faceID++) { if (shape.mesh.material_ids[faceID] != materialID) continue; tinyobj::index_t idx0 = shape.mesh.indices[3 * faceID + 0]; tinyobj::index_t idx1 = shape.mesh.indices[3 * faceID + 1]; tinyobj::index_t idx2 = shape.mesh.indices[3 * faceID + 2]; vec3i idx(addVertex(mesh, attributes, idx0, knownVertices), addVertex(mesh, attributes, idx1, knownVertices), addVertex(mesh, attributes, idx2, knownVertices)); mesh->index.push_back(idx); if (mat_kind == DIFFUSE) { mesh->mat_mes.diffuse = (const vec3f&)materials[materialID].diffuse; mesh->mat_mes.diffuseTextureID = loadTexture(model, knownTextures, materials[materialID].diffuse_texname, modelDir); } if (mat_kind == METAL && !materials.empty()) { mesh->mat_mes.diffuse = (const vec3f&)materials[materialID].diffuse; mesh->mat_mes.diffuseTextureID = loadTexture(model, knownTextures, materials[materialID].diffuse_texname, modelDir); mesh->mat_mes.roughness = (1000 - (const float&)materials[materialID].shininess) / 1000.0f; } mesh->mat_mes.mat_kind = mat_kind; }
__forceinline__ __device__ vec3f cal_metal_bsdf(const Interaction& isect, const vec3f& wi, vec3f* wo, float* pdf, const int ix, const int iy, const int frame_id) { vec3f diffuseColor = isect.mat_mes.diffuse; if (isect.mat_mes.diffuseTextureID != -1) { float u = isect.texcoord.x; float v = isect.texcoord.y; vec4f fromTexture = tex2D<float4>(isect.mat_mes.diffuse_texture, u, v); diffuseColor *= (vec3f)fromTexture; } vec3f bsdf = diffuseColor / float(PI); vec3f out; out = wi - 2.0f * (vec3f)dot(wi, isect.geomNormal) * isect.geomNormal; out = normalize(out); vec3f out1 = cross(out, vec3f(1.0f)); vec3f out2 = cross(out, out1); PRD prd; prd.random.init(frame_id * 234834 % 32849 + ix * 385932 % 82921, frame_id * 348593 % 43832 + iy * 324123 % 23415); vec3f out3 = normalize(out + (prd.random() * 2 - 1) * out1 * isect.mat_mes.roughness + (prd.random() * 2 - 1) * out2 * isect.mat_mes.roughness); if (dot(out3, isect.geomNormal) <= 0) out3 = out; *wo = out3; *pdf = 1 / ((float(PI) - 1) * isect.mat_mes.roughness + 1); return bsdf; } __forceinline__ __device__ vec3f cal_bsdf(const Interaction &isect, const vec3f &wi, vec3f *wo, float *pdf,const int ix, const int iy, const int frame_id) { vec3f result; if (isect.mat_mes.mat_kind == DIFFUSE) { result = cal_diffuse_bsdf(isect, wi, wo, pdf, ix, iy, frame_id); } else if (isect.mat_mes.mat_kind == METAL) { result = cal_metal_bsdf(isect, wi, wo, pdf, ix, iy, frame_id); } return result; }
__forceinline__ __device__ vec3f cal_mirror_bsdf(const Interaction& isect, const vec3f& wi, vec3f* wo, float* pdf, const int ix, const int iy, const int frame_id) { vec3f diffuseColor = isect.mat_mes.diffuse; if (isect.mat_mes.diffuseTextureID != -1) { float u = isect.texcoord.x; float v = isect.texcoord.y; vec4f fromTexture = tex2D<float4>(isect.mat_mes.diffuse_texture, u, v); diffuseColor *= (vec3f)fromTexture; } vec3f bsdf = diffuseColor / float(PI); vec3f out; out = wi - 2.0f * (vec3f)dot(wi, isect.geomNormal) * isect.geomNormal; *wo = normalize(out); *pdf = 1; return bsdf; } __forceinline__ __device__ vec3f cal_bsdf(const Interaction &isect, const vec3f &wi, vec3f *wo, float *pdf,const int ix, const int iy, const int frame_id) { PRD prd; vec3f result; if (isect.mat_mes.mat_kind == DIFFUSE) { result = cal_diffuse_bsdf(isect, wi, wo, pdf, ix, iy, frame_id); } else if (isect.mat_mes.mat_kind == METAL) { //result = cal_metal_bsdf(isect, wi, wo, pdf, ix, iy, frame_id); prd.random.init(frame_id * 234834 % 32849 + ix * 385932 % 82921, frame_id * 348593 % 43832 + iy * 324123 % 23415); float res = prd.random(); if (res < isect.mat_mes.roughness) result = cal_diffuse_bsdf(isect, wi, wo, pdf, ix, iy, frame_id); else result = cal_mirror_bsdf(isect, wi, wo, pdf, ix, iy, frame_id); } return result; }
Part7. 透射材质
首先我们给材质信息结构体补充一个transparent和ior,然后给Interaction补充一个realNormal。因为在hit shader中我们一般遇到法线与入射光线同向的情况,喜欢强行把法线纠正。但如今有了透射材质,所以我们将纠正前的法线预存起来,这样在做透射方向计算的时候,能知道当前入射光线处于介质内还是介质外。
struct material_mes { material_kind mat_kind; vec3f diffuse; float roughness; float transparent; float ior = 1.1f; vec3f emitter = 0; int diffuseTextureID{ -1 }; cudaTextureObject_t diffuse_texture; }; struct Interaction { float bias = 0.001f; float distance; vec3f position; vec3f geomNormal; vec3f realNormal; // 这个是没被矫正方向的法线 vec2f texcoord; ...
__forceinline__ __device__ float my_min(const float a, const float b) { return a < b ? a : b; } __forceinline__ __device__ float length_squared(const vec3f v) { return v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y + v.z * v.z; } __forceinline__ __device__ vec3f reflect(const vec3f v, const vec3f n){ return v - 2 * dot(v, n) * n; } __forceinline__ __device__ vec3f refract(const vec3f uv, const vec3f n, double etai_over_etat){ auto cos_theta = dot(-uv, n); vec3f r_out_perp = (float)etai_over_etat * (uv + cos_theta * n); vec3f r_out_parallel = (float)(-sqrt(fabs(1.0 - length_squared(r_out_perp)))) * n; return r_out_perp + r_out_parallel; } __forceinline__ __device__ double schlick(double cosine, double ref_idx){ auto r0 = (1 - ref_idx) / (1 + ref_idx); r0 *= r0; return r0 + (1 - r0) * pow((1 - cosine), 5); } __forceinline__ __device__ vec3f cal_dielectric_bsdf(const Interaction& isect, const vec3f& wi, vec3f* wo, float* pdf, const int ix, const int iy, const int frame_id) { vec3f diffuseColor = isect.mat_mes.diffuse; if (isect.mat_mes.diffuseTextureID != -1) { float u = isect.texcoord.x; float v = isect.texcoord.y; vec4f fromTexture = tex2D<float4>(isect.mat_mes.diffuse_texture, u, v); diffuseColor *= (vec3f)fromTexture; } vec3f bsdf = diffuseColor; *pdf = 1; vec3f out; float etai_over_etat = 0; if (dot(wi, isect.realNormal) > 0) etai_over_etat = isect.mat_mes.ior; else etai_over_etat = 1.0f / isect.mat_mes.ior; vec3f unit_direction = normalize(wi); double cos_theta = my_min(dot(-unit_direction, isect.geomNormal), 1.0); double sin_theta = sqrt(1.0 - cos_theta * cos_theta); if (etai_over_etat * sin_theta > 1.0f) { //全内反射 *wo = reflect(unit_direction, isect.geomNormal); return bsdf; } double reflect_prob = schlick(cos_theta, etai_over_etat);//反射率 PRD prd; prd.random.init(frame_id * 234834 % 32849 + ix * 385932 % 82921, frame_id * 348593 % 43832 + iy * 324123 % 23415); if (prd.random() < reflect_prob) { *wo = reflect(unit_direction, isect.geomNormal); return bsdf; } if (prd.random() < isect.mat_mes.transparent) { //*wo = reflect(unit_direction, isect.geomNormal); //return bsdf; } *wo = refract(unit_direction, isect.geomNormal, etai_over_etat); return bsdf; }
2nd 8 月 2023 - 上午9:41你好,感谢你的文档,请问一下,在optix的渲染过程中,我想要在场景中重新加载,或者删去一些物体,我应该怎么做,一般好像是重建加速结构,在重建中,会清除顶点信息和加速结构,然后重建,然后是重建纹理信息,也需要清除然后重建,最后是SBT,也需要清除和重建,但是这些操作好像都会导致渲染崩溃,毕竟是释放了原来的数据。这个问题怎么解决了,是不释放,然后把这些的东西都全部重新重建吗?另外做一份,然后清楚原来的空间吗?
7th 8 月 2023 - 上午1:09如果是加入了一个很大的模型,或者是直接重置场景的话,是需要清楚全部数据 重新加载SBT和accel加速结构的。在重置过程中,要取消一切渲染的调用逻辑(glwindows停止循环),可以理解为重启项目。
11th 11 月 2023 - 下午3:58请问佬有没有项目完整的代码可供参考,有没有github。
18th 11 月 2023 - 下午3:40https://github.com/Puluomiyuhun/PL_Tracer
24th 11 月 2023 - 上午9:46感谢大神回复我。。。